As women, we say we love money, but we don’t act like it.
We refuse to receive any support in our life or business. In order to have more money, we must be able to receive more support, because money is support.
A lot of us fempreneurs carry a belief that in order to make more money we have to hustle, drive, push and do to grow our businesses. This energy can be counterintuitive to receiving abundance and money.
A lot of women genuinely believe we HAVE to handle everything - in our lives and businesses, and that if we don’t we will be see as less-than, or incapable or incompetent.
As we are learning to receive we must step up and ask for what we want, because us having money won’t stop another from having what they need. There is a spiritual fallacy that being poor is more spiritual. The truth is we can do more for the world with more resources.
If you don’t have money you will not have the resources you need in order to do the big work you’re called to do in the world. In this episode we explore taking your power back through the platform of businesses and money. We suggest it is disempowered to be selfless, to not focus on money, and to not allow yourself to truly fulfill your purpose in the world.
Part of receiving is being in your power. As women we are raised to believe that being powerful is about doing all things and not accepting support. Emma and Julie suggest instead that it is more powerful to allow.
We explored how to allow more money in our businesses. We often come from a judgmental place with money. I need $10,000 now and it has to come in this specific way! We try to really control what happens with money, rather than allow it to come to us the way it desires.
There is power in leaving the door open so money work can work its magic. If we try and control money, we keep ourselves from experiencing possibilities. We must release attachment to how money will come to us.
There is a spiritual practice to receiving money, being non-judgmental, and allowing money to bring its genius into our business. This is a practice of trusting in the Abundance of the Universe, and staying in the present with money.
Practices for Receiving Money:
Let us know what happened for you with these practices or share your practices with us!
Emma Churchman: or
Julie Foucht: or
Just because you’ve hired a bookkeeper, doesn’t mean you get to opt-out of dealing with money. It is a partner in your success and if you ignore it, it will go somewhere else.
In this episode Julie and Emma share the physical world practices that they use to create their own successful businesses.
Let us know which practices resonate with you and what additional mone practices you employ.
Emma Churchman: or
Julie Foucht: or
Resource: Profit First by Mike Michalowicz
In this episode, Julie guides Emma through a short meditation, to connect with the energy of money in her business. We had a conversation with money with Julie asking questions from the perspective of money, and Emma answering.
Let us know what you think of this meditation. And try it for yourself, asking questions that are relevant for you!
Emma Churchman: or
Julie Foucht: or
Your money beliefs are formed primarily before the age of seven. These beliefs are derived from our family and friends, gender, heritage, culture, ancestors, socio-economic status, and religious upbringing.
Kendall Summerhawk once said, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” Healing money is greater than just bringing more money into your bank account, it’s about healing your relationship with the energy of all that is.
In healing our money beliefs we literally can change the world because we become united with Universal energy, and that is what allows us to powerfully fulfill our mission and soul purpose!
In this episode, Emma and Julie explore the energy of money and share exercises to help you to rewire your brain to believe in abundance, and in your ability to manifest the resources to live a juicy, productive, giving life.
The first step is to identify your money beliefs (there are questions below to dig into this).
The second step is to identify What part of you is holding onto the belief, and what that part needs to release the belief.
Success in your business is 10% execution and logistics, and 90% managing your beliefs. The more you are wiling to dive into your beliefs, and rewire your brain, the more freedom and abundance you will experience.
**We have a BONUS episode that goes with this episode. In this episode Julie guides Emma through a meditation, to connect with the energy of money in her business. We had a conversation with money with Julie asking questions from the perspective of money, and Emma answering.**
Questions to help your articulate your money beliefs. Either journal on these questions or ask a trustworthy partner to ask you the questions so you can answer without filtering your responses.
Understand the parts of you that hold your money beliefs.
Let us know what answers you got!
Emma Churchman: or
Julie Foucht: or
Next Episode: Real World Money Practices
Our money habits are largely influenced by our early experiences with money and the beliefs we create as a result.
As human beings we are always looking for the meaning behind every experience. The same is true with our experiences with money. Your early interactions create beliefs that, if left unexamined, will limit your ability to receive the abundance that is your divine right.
In today’s episode, Julie and Emma share some of their earliest memories and the beliefs they created.
You’ll hear why Emma avoided money, believing it to be dangerous. And how she continued to live her parent’s relationship with money until she “cracked the code” with her first $20,000 month.
Julie shares her story of her very first business, at age 5, and how that led her to believe she didn’t have a right to money. This led her to stay in an abusive marriage for 20 years until discovered her limiting pattern and chose to change it.
Plus, why “There are no problems to be solved, only more gifts to be discovered.” Jeffry Van Dyk
Next episode: Transforming your money beliefs
Let us know what answers you got!
Emma Churchman: or
Julie Foucht: or